Services provided

Title of service


Assignment of water branch

Any natural or legal person can apply for the establishment of water and sewage distribution for any residential, commercial, public and production unit, etc. within the service area of the company. The acceptance of the branch request is subject to the following conditions:

- The company has the necessary capacity and facilities to establish or change the branch required by the applicant in the requested location

- The property desired by the applicant is completely enclosed and practically separated from the neighboring properties, and the surface and floor of the road in the property must be specified by the municipality.

- There should be no obstacles to the company's work, including digging the desired location.

- The applicant must not have any debt for the price of water and sewage in the desired location or any other location to the company or other water and sewage companies affiliated with the Ministry of Energy.

- If there are technical facilities, the stages of demand for water and sewage branching are carried out simultaneously.

- Property evaluation includes determining the type of use, the number of units, and determining the area of the transaction value of the property.

Assignment of sewage branch

Providing the possibility of disposal of wastewater to the urban sewerage network in accordance with the water consumption and the prescribed capacity and the specifications agreed in the contract for the establishment of the sewer branch, regardless of whether the subscriber uses this capacity or not.

Branch user change

Modifying the user information of properties with water and sewerage branches that have actually changed from one type to another.

Answer the query

Providing answers to letters of inquiry from organizations

Change profile

The owners can request to change the name of the water and sewage file by presenting official documents and legal rulings or positive documents that are approved by the company based on this regulation.

Change of residential unit

An urban residential unit is a place to live that, according to the company, has at least one room, one kitchen and one service, and its entrance is independent or connected to a shared corridor, and its plumbing system is separate.


Residential or commercial residential units that have more than one residential unit can request a unit count so that they are not included in the calculation of water consumption by the progressive water price rates and crimes caused by consumption in excess of the set ceilings.

Change the contractual capacity of the branch

All subscribers or non-residential users of water and sewage services can request to increase the contractual capacity of the branch (in the name of the branch owner). Fulfillment of the request depends on the existence of the necessary technical facilities for the company.

Change the diameter of the branch

All subscribers or non-residential users of water and sewage services can request to increase the diameter of the branch (in the name of the branch owner). Fulfillment of the request depends on the existence of the necessary technical facilities for the company.

Meter separation

In the event that the tenant divides his property and separates the divided parts from each other with a wall, the existing branch after correcting the diameter (if needed) will be assigned to the part in which the part is installed. The branching of other separate units will be established after filing the case and receiving the relevant costs. (Clause 3-63-4 of the company's operating regulations)

Relocation of measuring instruments

The subscriber does not have the right to move the branch and its devices under any circumstances, and if after the installation of the branch and measuring devices, the subscriber changes the condition of his property or building so that the location of the aforementioned devices becomes inappropriate or an obstacle is created in front of them, the company can replace the devices. Move it to a suitable place at a shared cost (change the internal location).

- The water and sewage branch is exclusively for the property where it is installed and operated, and therefore it is prohibited to move it from one property to another property (changing the external location of the water and sewage branch)

Meter test

In cases where the subscriber objects to the operation of the meter and the amount of consumption, the judge will test the meter.

Replace the meter

If the meter is broken or due to too little or too much consumption, its damage is proven.

Install additional siphon

- If there are facilities (the presence of a flexible main pipe and suitable diameter in the other passage of the property) and the request of the applicant at the same time, the request for a second siphon will be accepted according to the rules and tariffs of the company. In case of applying separately after the installation of the first siphon, the application process will be similar to the sewage treatment process.

- The installation of the sewer branch depends on the separation of the internal sewage network from the rainwater collection network.

Temporary disconnection and connection of the branch

It is a branch for which no cost will be found from the applicant based on the table of public costs.

It provides special facilities and equipment as well as water

Assemble or merge a branch

In any of the following situations, the company will permanently cancel the collection of the joint water or sewage distribution and settle the account with the subscriber:


- When the subscriber who is the only user of the branch requests the permanent removal of the branch (in case of multiple independent users using a branch, all users must request)

- If the joint or user debt after at least one year from the date of temporary disconnection reaches 50% of the water and sewage distribution costs listed in the table of general costs for the distribution, the relevant debt shall not be paid despite the warning of the company.

- Whenever three years pass from the date of temporary suspension and the subscriber or user does not clarify his situation despite the company's warning.

- In case of repeating the violation according to the operating regulations for the second time in connection with the arbitrary connection of the disconnected branch by the subscriber or user.

Intermediate bill

Note 1-29-4: "Answers to notarial inquiries are subject to re-evaluation of the property, full settlement in cases of increase in the number of units, change of use, unpaid bills, overdue installments and transfer debts from banks." Therefore, if If the seller has used the facilities of bank loan, installment, bank check, etc. to request branching or other services, the relevant debts must be paid in full and the settlement sheet for the bank loan should be presented, even if the date of the bank check or the related installments has not arrived.

- The properties without sewage branch, where the company has the possibility to hand over the sewage branch in the place and request to issue a settlement, they must act on the sewage request and pay all the related costs before the settlement of the account.

- The summary of the case information is announced below the sheet sent to the home office for the information of the buyer, and if there is a mistake in the mentioned information, he can inform the company before making the official transaction. Obviously, after the official transaction, any new changes in the number of units, users, etc. will be the responsibility of the buyer.

Check the bill

Correcting invoices and checking the invoice in terms of the correctness of the calculation and also checking

Its uses in terms of wrong meter readings or pipe bursts

Announcement of meter function

Announcing the operation of the meter

View records (duplicate, etc.)

Subscriber refer to the subscriber affairs section of the billing section with the subscription number

- and print a specific bill

Ability to pay bills

Ability to pay bills

Suggestions, feedback and review of complaints

Suggestions, feedback and review of complaints

Sale of tanker water

National code and tanker number

Drilling permit to move the meter

Drilling permit to move the meter

Contractors evaluation

Contractors evaluation

Address:Head of Ali Delvari Avenue, Bushehr
Postal Code: 7514619139 Box: 3681
Phone: 24-33326322 - 33330298
Fax: 33327004-33328932 
All Rights of Bushehr Water and Wastewater Co are reserved.
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